Working in a personal recruitment agency: how do you become a recruiter?

What are the skills and skills required to work in a personal recruitment agency ? How should a recruiter be? Well, the job of the personnel in charge of research and selection of personnel is constantly evolving: like many other sectors, even Human Resources have been invested by new technologies and the advent of social networks . If once, to be a capable recruiter , technological skills were superfluous, today it is impossible to think of being hired in a personal recruitment agency without having excellent skills 2.0 . But it is certainly not all here: in this post we will examine in depth all that is needed to become a prepared and efficient headhunter .

How does a professional recruiter move based on the company’s requests?

Working in a personal recruitment agency means dealing with the research and selection of personnel, from the definition of the profiles required by a company to their inclusion. The recruiter is therefore the one who, on the basis of the indications received from the client company, builds a scheme capable of summarizing what the ideal candidate should be: what should his skills be? What are the essential prerogatives, which are the ideal requirements? In addition to defining what should be the candidate to be searched, the personal recruitment agency also analyzes what will be its working environment: let’s talk about working hours, its tasks, the resources to manage, the corporate culture and so on saying.

Based on the information gathered at this early stage, the headhunter can outline with some precision what the portrait of the candidate to be identified is. Skipping this first fundamental step and immediately looking for personnel means in most cases finding yourself with candidates who can be very competent, but who at the same time do not fully meet the needs of the company. Once this initial ‘ identikit ‘ has been implemented, the staff member of the personal recruitment agency begins with the actual research: after having created a clear and targeted job description ,

the screening of the received curricula will be officially launched. From there we will go to the skimming, to the phase of cognitive interviews and to the psycho-attitudinal and eventually technical-specialist tests , to finally arrive at the inclusion in the company of the chosen candidate. This, in a nutshell, is the approach of those working within a personal recruitment agency. But what are the fundamental requirements that these same professionals must have?

The recruiter’s identikit of a personal recruitment agency

Before looking at the detailed skills needed to work within a personal recruitment agency, let’s dwell on the privileged study path. To become a recruiter it is advisable to obtain a humanities degree , with a special preference for psychology courses. A prerequisite, even if not fundamental, is that of having followed specific courses or targeted masters. It is not enough, however, to be able to boast a good course of study: work experience , in fact, is fundamental. Before becoming a recruiter in a personal recruitment agency, it is advisable to gain experience in the personnel offices of individual companies, perhaps as a personnel manager.

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