When Is the Right Time to Upgrade My Toddler Car Seat?

The car seat is one of the most essential tools that guarantee your toddler’s safety when travelling. Unfortunately, toddler car seats are not a one-size-fits-all solution. If you have already bought a car seat for your child, expect your child to grow, and their needs will change. Thus, you will need to upgrade your car seat as the needs of your child change. When you fail to upgrade the car seat at the right time, you will be compromising your child’s safety.


How Often Should You Upgrade Your Toddler Car Seat?

As a parent, this is an important question that you have to ask yourself so that you can change your toddler car seat at the right time. While you can not say the specific times you should change the toddler car seat in your vehicle, this is something that you should do often.  Additionally, there are certain instances when you will be required to upgrade your toddler car seat, which means that you must be watchful of any signs suggesting an upgrade is necessary.

Instances When You Should Upgrade Your Toddler Car Seat

Certain instances will require you to upgrade your toddler car seat. These instances include;

  • Your toddler has exceeded the height or weight limits

Car seats are designed to meet your child’s safety needs but have specific weight and height limits that you should always consider.  If you realise that your child has grown taller and heavier, it is a sign that you should change their car seat. One of the signs you will observe of your toddler’s height and weight change is that the harness will not fit securely around the waist because of the weight they have added. Also, their head is less than an inch from the existing car seat.  Additionally, their weight will exceed the maximum capacity for your toddler car seat. All these indicate that your toddler has outgrown their car seat, so you must upgrade it.

  • Your child has experienced developmental milestones

You will start observing certain milestones like the ability to sit up without help and increased neck strength as they grow old. If you have started making this observation, it is a sign that your toddler is ready to transition to a more advanced car seat. Thus,  you will have to upgrade your toddler car seat to provide your toddler with ample protection when you are travelling.

  • Your child is grown older

This is another perfect time for you to have an upgrade of your toddler car seat. These car seats are suitable for children at a certain age. However, when your child has grown older, they deserve to get an upgrade of their toddler car seat that will keep them safe.

  • The seat has severe damage.

When car seats are exposed to harsh weather conditions like extreme temperatures, they tear and wear with time. Also, after using your toddler car seat for a long time, you will start observing the wear and tear of the car seat. Another thing that will cause damage to the toddler car seat is when you have been involved in a car accident. This will compromise the integrity of your toddler car seat. As a result, you have to upgrade your car seat to ensure your toddler is protected.

Go through the best toddler car seat options available on our website. Compare prices, specifications, and features to choose the best one for your toddler.



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